Laurence Jones-Williams Systemic Consultant & Educator

Systemic Consulting

I work with organsiations identify issues relating to team dynamics, culture, structure, conflict or anything unexpected or difficult to name. My practice is based on strategy development, capacity building and systemic and psychodunamic analysis. My expertise lies in thoroughly analysing diverse aspects and intricacies within organisational contexts, enabling me to work with an organisation to maximise the capacity and impact of the organisation, a skill I have successfully applied in numerous organisations.

Executive Coaching

I have 6 years experience as Director of Rethinking Economics International & co-founded and led the Greater Manchester Tenants Union. I have worked with leaders and organisations around the world to develop their organisational capacity and identify their strategic priorities. I am adept at working with leaders with complexity, challenging emotional dynamics and transitional moments. I work with small to mid-size non-profit organisations, NGOs and the public sector.

Transformative Education

I have designed and delivered many eduational events on facilitatiation, experiential learning, active listening, leadership, economics, campaigning, organising, advocacy, fundraising and organisational design and development. Where possible, I put a focus on experiential and collective learning in all of education that I design and find that follow up coaching is ideal for putting that learning into practice.

“Best event at the conference. Really moving experience and will be applying this in my professional and personal life.”

— Participant on an Active Listening workshop 2022


Feel free to get in touch with any questions. I offer a free 30 minute consultation to assess what issues you may want support with, and answer any questions that you may have for me. If you are interested then I can find a time that suits you.


+44(0) 75 123 07 123